Suszarnicza Spółka OGRODNIK S.A. with its registered seat in Nowy Tomyśl was founded in 1996. The Company is currently one of the biggest producers of dried vegetables in Poland.
The Company's shareholders are natural persons whose shares make 87% of the initial capital and legal entities with 13% of the capital. Apart from the capital, the owners contributed a wealth of experience which ensured a rapid development and accomplishment of the assumed goals. The main idea of the Company's founders was to create a business entity capable of a rapid response to the dynamically changing market conditions.
The Company's domain is to produce a wide range of dried vegetables using top-grade, fresh vegetables. In order to ensure the customer receives the highest quality product, we handle the contracting on our own, we also provide our suppliers with seeds of varieties specifically selected for dried vegetables production. Our Company's main products are dried vegetables such as: carrot, red beetroot, leek, onion, parsnip, parsley, celery and potato.
We are aware that creating a good image among the Customers demands constant self-control, development and exceeding requirements and market expectations. For that reason we continue to modernise our production lines and we have launched our own microbiological laboratory, granulation department, and sorting department.
Today we are a Company that has achieved a strong position both on the domestic and foreign markets.